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Summoning Scepters 1.0.2

Summoning Scepters
Zombies, Skeletons, Strays, Wither Skeletons, and Horses are what can be summoned at the moment, and each of these mobs has different tiers. The summoning ritual also takes a toll on your material body, as each summons will inflict damage (which can be reduced with armor) and a negative status effect, for zombies it would be hunger.  Moving up a tier with the staff, and you can summon a Berzerker Zombie. This zombie spawns in with lightweight armor, and two axes, it moves at almost twice the normal speed of a regular zombie (Cue Baby Zombie PTSD) and has a leaping ability similar to that of the Wolf. While the Berzerker is powerful, its despawn time is very short.  Lastly, if summoning a Zombie with the Obsidian Scepter (best tier so far), you will summon two Hoplite Zombies

Summoning Scepters Features

  • Four summoning scepters are implemented.
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  • It’s possible to call for zombies, skeletons, strays, wither skeletons, horses. Each of them owns various tiers.

Instructions on installing SummoningScepters Mod

  • Minecraft Forge must be installed in advance.
  • You put the downloaded SummoningScepters Mod into the Mods folder.
  • Start to open the game then select the mods button. This is when you know the SummoningScepters Mod is already installed.
On your computer, you start finding the Minecraft application folder. There are two ways to find the application, depending on the OS you are using:
    • For Windows PC, from the Start menu, you start “Run” then type like this: “%appdata%”. Select “Run” when everything is done.
    • For Mac, you launch finder and press down ALT. Then, you select Go and choose Library displayed in the top menu bar. Next, you will access the Application Support folder where you will find Minecraft.
There are three variations of four different unique entities that players can summon. All of these entities have their own set of equipment and will dedicate their lives to protecting their summoner. However, to perform a dark art like summoning, the damage will be dealt with players depending on the level of mobs they are summoning
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9 thoughts on “Summoning Scepters”

  1. Roman Biswas says:


  2. Honey Kumar says:

    How to download

  3. Ghanashyam zala says:


  4. Kunal says:

    Thanks for mods

  5. Vaidik Agrawal says:

    Mods are good

  6. DEV KANT says:

    I like this video

  7. Faiz says:


  8. Aarav says:

    I love your videos

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